Tuesday, August 15, 2017


1598/1602 Carlo Maderno (1556/1629) for Onofrio Santacroce. Formerly known as PALAZZO SANTACROCE
Completed in the years 1630/40 by Francesco Peparelli (active since 1626/d. 1641)
1659/68 FAÇADE ON VIA DEI CATINARI by Giovanni Antonio De Rossi (1616/95)
Since 1904 it belongs to the Pasolini family from Ravenna who opened their palace to the followers of Modernism
It is now divided into apartments and it is the seat of the library of the Italian-Latin American Institute
Frescoes by G.B. Ruggieri aka Battistino del Gessi (1606/40)
In another room “Biblical scenes” by Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi (1606/80) from Bologna
Cardinal Prospero Publicola Santacroce was the first to introduce tobacco in Rome which was called Santacroce Grass. The French ambassador in Portugal had planted it in the royal gardens of Lisbon and had him trying it in 1561
It was called Nicotine Grass and was thought to be a cure for many diseases so as to be known as Holy Grass
The Santacroce family could afford to build this building thanks to the proceeds of the tobacco trade
In the seventeenth century tobacco was strongly recommended to priests and nuns as an aid to repress the sexual desires even if not everyone encouraged its use: Innocent X Pamphilj (1644/55) came to threaten to excommunicate those who had smoked in the Basilica of St. Peter

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