Friday, March 18, 2016



1888/89 Luca Carimini (1830/90)
Last palace to be built for noble Roman families, along with Palazzo Brancaccio also by Carimini
It is now the headquarters of the ISTITUTO POLACCO DI ROMA (Polish Roman Institute) whose main objective is the dissemination of the culture and history of Poland, as well as the fostering of dialogue between Poland and Italy in the field of culture, education, research and social life
On the ground floor there is the excellent ANTONINI PASTRY SHOP, formerly Ruschena
“Carimini was among those who posed the problem of inventing a style befitting the new buildings of Rome new Italian Capital. From a first love for the Middle Ages, he passed to a strong interest in the architecture of the fourteen hundreds, finally locating in Sangallo (the Younger), one of great inspirations for an architecture apt to the new task of the city. He had a great sensitivity for materials, a direct result of his beginnings as a stonemason, and he used it both in his religious and civic architecture. (...) It has been reported that the activity of Carimini should be seen in the so-called 'clerical wing' of Roman architecture, with his late adoption of that primitive fourteen hundreds style that had emerged in the mid-nineteenth century. Among other technicians close to the papal court (Busiri and Vespignani) he is described as a belated exponent of purism in architecture” (Cultural Association Itinera -

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