Thursday, March 17, 2016



It was built in the sixteenth century
It belonged to the Rustici and Olgiati families for whom it was renovated by Carlo Maderno (1556/1629)
In mid-1600s it passed to the Strozzi family from whom it was expropriated in 1882 by the Italian government to build Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
It was radically changed but the PORTAL at nÂș 26 built by Carlo Maderno in 1620 was kept
Since 1905 it belonged to the economist Marco Besso who housed in it an important cultural center and seat of the Foundations Ernesta and Marco Besso with a library of about 75,000 volumes about Dante Alighieri, Rome and studies about Italian proverbs
After some restoration in the gallery facing the church of SS. Stimmate di S. Francesco (SS. Stigmata of St. Francis) a frieze was discovered recently with “Eight virtues” and “Villages with hermits” 1606 by Tarquinio Ligustri (about 1563/1621) from Viterbo
“The exaltation of the life of a hermit, defined here as a peaceful relationship between the man of faith and a hospitable nature, is linked to S. Lucia Filippini's religiosity, to which the landlord had been particularly close. The demonstrated attribution to Ligustri of these landscapes will to do some clarity in the complex panorama of landscape painting in Rome at the beginning of the seventeenth century, often generically considered pertaining the school Brill” (Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi - Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Treccani)

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