Friday, March 11, 2016



Designed in 1660 by Francesco Borromini (1599/1667) for Monsignor Virginio Spada, Commander of the Bank of St. Spirit
He would have liked the palace to become the headquarters of the bank against the advice of the board of the bank
At his death in 1667 the Spada family was forced to buy the palace and the old Palazzo della Zecca (Palace of the Mint) by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger was chosen as the headquarters of the bank instead
Transformed and raised in late 1800s by Gaetano Koch (1849/1910) for the Bennicelli Counts
Traces of the seventeenth-century Borromini's work remain only in the courtyard
Count Adriano Bennicelli (1860/1925) was a very popular character in Rome at the time of king Humbert I and was nicknamed Conte Tacchia
“Tacchia” in Roman dialect is a piece of wood and the nickname refers to the activity of the Bennicelli family who had become rich by trading in timber. He was a very peculiar kind of person, famous for the contrast between his elegant appearance and his very vulgar attitudes

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