Saturday, May 13, 2017


Second Gallery - Imperial Cult
“Headless statue of emperor with breastplate” of the Antonine period
Fourth room - Images of the Julio-Claudian Family
“Gaius Octavius” father of Octavian Augustus
“Small bust maybe of Caligula” from the River Tiber near Via Giulia
“Livia” with her typical hairstyle with nodustypus conservative reaction to the complicated Hellenistic hairstyles
“Agrippina the Younger” from Ostia
“Agrippina the Elder”
“Girl from Ostia as Artemis” of the Flavian period, when it was common to the identify individuals with gods in funerary depictions, in this case Diana, symbol of chastity and beauty for a girl
Fifth Room - Augustan Period
“Augustus as Pontifex” from Via Labicana
“Altar of Mars and Venus” early second century AD from the Square of the Guilds in Ostia with representation of the twins Romulus and Remus suckled by the wolf and supervised by the eagle symbol of Jupiter and Rome
Third Gallery - Portraits of Greeks
“Socrates” from a bronze original by Lysippus of 350 BC in the version of the so called type B with features less Silenus like than the version of the so called type A
“Portrait of a bearded man” first century AD in Greek marble from a Greek original of the early second century BC. It is probably the portrait of a philosopher
“Philip V of Macedonia”
“Boxer” from the Villa of Genazzano
Bronze portrait of “Alexander the Great” with hair arranged with the anastolè
“Marble portrait of Alexander the Great” I sec. A.D. from the Temple of Hercules at Tivoli with fourteen holes maybe a crown maybe an original by Lysippus
Sixth Room – Greek Originals
“Niobid from the Gardens of Sallust” Greek original about 440 BC in Parian marble from Via Collina perhaps from the pediment of the Temple of Apollo Daphnephoros at Eretria: the myth of Niobe was the hubris (arrogance) inevitably punished
“Peplophoros” maybe Greek original from Piazza Barberini

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