Tuesday, January 15, 2019


1958 Enrico Lenti (1909/c. 1981) and Mario Muratori
“The dosage of the openings is in function of the internal environment so to introduce enough grazing light from above creating an effective vibrating chiaroscuro on the ceiling beams. The same light is instead filtered downwards through the inner walls completely perforated in order to have a particular formal expressiveness not detached from the secondary, but not negligible, task to adjust the acoustics. (...) Among the churches of this time, built without too much abundance of means and without undue pretensions of grandeur, this seems one of the most remarkable and significant, for an obvious architectural and spiritual unity that distinguishes it” (Carlo Ceschi)
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850/1917) came to America at age forty, she took American citizenship in 1909 and was canonized in 1946
She was the first in chronological order of the seven U.S. saints, the first woman missionary and the patron saint of emigrants

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