Saturday, November 7, 2020


Altitude 915 m (3,000 feet). 400 inhabitants

Maybe founded in the year 730 by refugees from the territory of Preneste

It was a feud of the Colonna family and of other families

Parrocchiale della Maddalena

Parish Church of Mary Magdalen

1520 for Cardinal Giuliano Capranica by an unknown architect, maybe, according to some, Donato Bramante (1444/1514)

Beautiful dome

Palazzo Barberini

Barberini Palace

Built between the fourteenth and the sixteenth century. Formerly Palazzo Capranica

It is located on pre-existing medieval building with an intact external structure dating back to the sixteenth century

It is the seat of the municipality and, in the last two floors, of the MUSEO CIVICO NATURALISTICO DEI MONTI PRENESTINI (Civic Museum of Fauna and Flora of the Prenestini Mountains), an educational museum with multimedia systems presenting the different ecosystems of the area

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