Monday, November 16, 2020


Sea level. 16,500 inhabitants

Seaside resort extending at the sides of the Via Aurelia for 4 km (2.5 miles) until behind Capo Linaro

It corresponds to the Statio Punicum, one of the ports of the nearby town of Caere

Among the findings visible today there is a "Roman Stele" and TWO ANCIENT ROMAN BRIDGES

In Santa Marinella sojourned Roberto Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman, Farouk of Egypt in the early years of exile and Guglielmo Marconi who performed here some experiments

Castello Odescalchi

Odescalchi Castle

It was built in the fifteenth century on the remains of a Roman villa, maybe owned by the jurist Ulpianus

It incorporates the old watch tower to spot Saracens incursions

Since 1887 it is owned by the Odescalchi family

Villa La Saracena

1954 masterpiece by Luigi Moretti (1907/73)

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