Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Hypogeum also known as Ipogeo delle Monachelle (hypogeum of the little nuns), discovered in the eighteenth century by Giovanni Bottari and rediscovered in 1847 by Father Giuseppe Marchi in the Medieval CASALE DELLA TORRETTA (house of the small tower) on the left side of the Appian Way
It is part of the COMPLESSO DI VIBIA (Vibia's Complex), a small private cemetery, consisting of seven underground chambers interconnected in the late antiquity period
Vibia was the wife of Vincentius priest of the Thracian-Phrygian Sabazius god known for his orgiastic cults
ARCOSOLIO DI VIBIA (Vibia's Arched Niche)
Paintings dating back to the late third century AD: under the arch "Death of Vibia symbolized by the Rape of Proserpine", "Vibia is judged" and "Seven priests devotees, including Vincentius, during a banquet", in the lunette "Vibia enters the world of the blessed and feast of the blessed"
ARCOSOLIO DEI MISTERI (Mysteries Arched Niche)
Opposite Vibia's Arcosolium with scenes of the cult of Mithras

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