Sunday, November 24, 2013


1678 for Pompeo and Federico Capranica who tore down the dividing walls of the ground floor of PALAZZO CAPRANICA. It was mainly used for opera and it is one of the oldest entertainment halls in Rome
Rebuilt 1694 by Carlo Buratti (active since 1694/died after 1734)
Completed 1713 by Tommaso Mattei (1652/1726), pupil of Carlo Fontana
Stage sets designed in the years 1713/39 by Filippo Juvarra (1678/1736), Francesco Galli Bibbiena (1659/1739) and Mauro Fontana (1701/67)
It was an active and prestigious theater used for both opera and plays. In 1750 Carlo Goldoni attended the premiere of his Pamela maritata (Married Pamela), written especially for this theater
Restored 1751 by Egidio Marescotti
Rebuilt 1852 by Gaspare Servi for Bartolomeo Capranica to whom it had been entrusted by Alessandro Torlonia
Closed in 1881 and converted into a warehouse. It was used as a cinema from 1922 till 2000
Since 2005 is a conference center occasionally used for concerts

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