1950/52 Bruno Zevi (1918/2000) and Silvio
Innovative building
where the architect Bruno Zevi practically applied his theory of so-called “organic
“Bruno Zevi
writes in his 'History of Modern Architecture': Organic architecture is a kind
of architecture functional not only regarding the technical and the social
purpose of the building, but also regarding the psychology of the people'. And
again: ''The substance of the organic movement is in the emphasis given by
architects to the interior space, the empty cavities of the building, the environment
in which social life takes place'. (...) The basic idea is that of using the
typological plant of the building, transforming it into a block made out of
superimposed villas (4 per floor) in which each accommodation has open spaces,
plenty of light, pleasant and varied views to the outside” (Piero Ostilio
“Four 'villas' articulated as if they were in the countryside, completely isolated. The organicity of Wright in the urban universe of Le Corbusier, with the profile of roofs in Gaudì style. The scheme is among the most innovative, but the alignment of the windows and the joints between balconies and pillars attenuate its expressiveness” (Official Web Site Fondazione Bruno Zevi - www.fondazionebrunozevi.it)