Monday, November 16, 2020


Altitude 250 m (820 feet). 7,500 inhabitants

Ancient town of the Capenati people at first and eventually Roman

The castle belonged to the Savelli family from the thirteenth century until the seventeenth century, and it became property of the Massimo Princes after that

The walls of the medieval houses are dotted with Roman remains

Rocca Borgia

Borgia Fortress

It was built during the fourteenth and fifteenth century for the Savelli family

Renovated in 1501

Expropriated in 1502 by Alexander VI (1492/1503)

The following year it went back to the Savelli family

In 1607 it passed to the Borghese, then to the Muti, to the Cesi and in 1799 to the Massimo family

On the square just outside the castle: "Cesare Borgia Cannon", actually abandoned by the Lansquenets after the sack of Rome in 1527

Ss. Vincenzo e Anastasio

Sts. Vincent and Anastasius

Frescoes of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

Under the main altar the body of S. Prosperus is exposed in a casket moved here from the CATACOMBS that branch out to the north of the town


Last chapel on the left with paintings maybe by Federico Zuccari (about 1542/1609) and Taddeo Zuccari (1529/66)

Canvas "Madonna with Child and Saints" by Anastasio Fontebuoni (1571/1626)

Ss. Abbondio e Abbondanzio

Sts. Abbondio and Abbondanzio

About 3 km (1.9 miles) outside town

It was built in the Middle Ages on the square walls of a pagan temple

Bell tower built in the twelfth century

Remarkable frescoes of the thirteenth century

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