Monday, November 16, 2020


Altitude 420 m (1,370 feet). 1,450 abitanti

It is located on a spur of the PRENESTINI MOUNTAINS with medieval section in the southwest area of town and section built in the seventeenth century in the northeast area

The village was maybe built above the ancient city of Aesula or Saxula. The Italian translation of the ancient name was added to the modern name in 1870

It was mentioned in the sources for the first time in 1249 as property of the monks of Subiaco

It was property of the Colonna family

The northeast part (Borgo Pio) is an interesting example of urban planning of the seventeenth century, built after the plague of 1656 for sanitary reasons by Carlo Pio di Savoia

Castello Brancaccio

Brancaccio Castle

Almost completely rebuilt over the ancient castle of the Colonna family

Frescoes by Federico Zuccari (about 1542/1609) and his school

It was transferred to the municipality in 1989

The PALAZZO COMUNALE is connected with the castle with an overpass

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